The Willow School and Broadwaters' Children's Centre

Year 2

Fox Class and Hedgehog Class



Welcome to year 2. This is your child's last year in Keystage 1.  This is a year where we see children getting to grips and starting to fly in many areas of their learning. They often make the shift from sounding out and blending to reading with more fluency and expression.  They become more confident in their writing and start to include many more techniques in their stories. Their number sense improves and they solve mathematical problems applying their knowledge and skills.

Year 2 Staff Team 





Mrs Roserie/Ms Moore

Ms Mason

Additional staff working with yr 2

Audrey L, Alina, Fathema

Year 2 Curriculum Map

Click the button below to see an overview of the different subjects and topics your child will be learning about during their time in year 2.

Year 2 Curriculum Map

Reading books 

Year 2 Termly Curriculum Update Leaflet 

Click the button to read a leaflet giving you a little more information about what your child will learn each term. It also has other useful information such as PE days, expectations for reading at home and any planned trips.

 Year 2 Curriculum letter


Year 2 Photo Gallery


Year 2 Gallery